
Weymouth beach in watercolour with TV artist Marilyn Allis, Hard back Book

Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $30.00.

SKU: 1741071107 Category:



Learn how to paint this colourful beach scene.
Dive into a relaxing indoor activity as you try your hand at painting techniques. This DIY kit and pre-recorded art class are all you need!

Whip up your own version of this summer memory captured in vibrant watercolour paints. The step-by-step instructions for making this art piece are included in the virtual video and are filled with handy tips and tricks from your teacher, Marilyn.

Beginners have no fear! Your on-demand video can be rewatched, paused and slowed down so you can learn at your own pace. Unwind with this creative experience and come away with a beautiful work of art at the end.

As well as plenty of art supplies in your craft box, you also get a hardback book written by your teacher so if you’re interested in learning more about how to use watercolours, this is the perfect art kit for you.
watch from a phone, tablet, pc or smart TV
HD quality.

Learn as you create a scene in your own time at your own pace.

Tuition link will not run out & you can re watch as much as you like.
A beautiful summer memory created in vibrant watercolour. Broken down and simplified in easy real time steps with captions of colours. Complicated made very easy.

What’s included in the price?

A size 10 Marilyn Allis Brush,
1/4 imperial Sheet of Saunders Waterford 190lb ROUGH paper
Painting Dorset in watercolour Hardbacked 144 pages, book with painting on the front cover. (worth 24.99) FREE
1 x spare practice paper
8 colours x small Artist quality paints
1 x Marilyn Allis pencil/eraser
Reference photograph,
reference drawing
finished painting image
Tuition link – Talk through in real time.

What you will need

Water, kitchen towel, ruler.
Hair dryer but not essential, old toothbrush.


50 minutes


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