Description Specifications Diagrams Warranty
The QuikFire 6 brings instant gratification to ceramics, glass fusing, enameling, and china painting. Small glass pieces can be fired and cooled to room temperature in only 30 to 40 minutes. Small ceramic pieces take only 40 to 50 minutes. No more waiting to fill your larger kiln to test-fire a new technique or new glaze. No more waiting until morning to see freshly fired ware.
Experimenting with the QuikFire is fun. Instead of risking a good piece of greenware on an untried technique, you can fire throw-away clay scraps and view the results in minutes. This kiln is a learning tool you will use over and over, whether youre a beginner or a master.
The QuikFire is a ceramic fiber shell with an embedded element. It measures 6″ x 6″ x 6″ inside. The shell rests on a ceramic fiber base with steel stand. The QuikFire is rated to 2000F. It fires on 120 volts and needs no other heating source. At only 1560 watts, it uses less power than many hair driers.
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