
Canvas Shading Autumn Leaf Embroidery Kit

Original price was: $56.50.Current price is: $28.25.

SKU: 1741070906 Category:



Progress on from the canvas shading echinacea kit with this advanced Autumn Leaf kit. This kit will teach you the techniques of advanced canvas shading and blending, and leave you with the knowledge required to then design your own piece.

Finished leaf design is 15cm wide by 13cm high. This measurement is for the leaf only and doesn’t include any background worked. Two hanks of background wool are supplied for you to work as much or as little as you like.

Intermediate to Advanced level.

What’s included in the price?

Kit includes 18hpi mono canvas, with the design transferred by hand onto the fabric, comprehensive instructions with helpful diagrams and a stitch guide, needleand crewel wool. Everything is kept neat and tidy in a labelled box.

What you will need

Embroidery scissors



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