Print and printmaking
18 colours of printing Ink with tin with, 30ml for block relief printing, mix + match choose from 20 shades, UK made, water based & mixable
Autumn Hare Lino print
Botanical Linocut Kit, UK made, includes handmade papers, unique artist mixed colours & video tutorials
Chinese Lantern – Screen printed Original Artwork
City life – Collagraph print Original Artwork
Classic Linocut & Print Kit with 10 items, choose your own colours, UK made with video tutorials
Compact linocut & stamp making kit, UK made with video tutorials
DIY Kit: Botanical Napkin Printing
DIY Kit: Cyanotype Christmas Card Printing Kit
DIY Kit: Cyanotype Embroidery Hoop Printing Kit
DIY Kit: Cyanotype Printing & Tray Kit
DIY Kit: Cyanotype Printing Kit
Essentials Lino printing craft kit with step by step guides, lino, ink and roller. Everythinkg you need to get printing.
Fabric block printing kit
Flying bird decoration in pink
Gel plate printing starter kit with genuine, reusable 5×5″ GelliArts gel plate
Gel plate printing starter kit with genuine, reusable 6×6″ GelliPress gel plate
Gel plate printing starter kit with genuine, reusable 8×10″ GelliArts gel plate
Gel plate printing starter kit with handmade A5 gel plate, instructions and videos
Hand Printed Lino Cut
Lino Carving Kit in wooden box with Soft Blue A6 lino pack
Lino printing kit
Lino printing on FABRIC kit, step by step guide, genuine Essdee fabric roller.
Lino printing premium craft kit complete with 3 projects with step by step guides
Mini Lino Carving and Block Printing Kit in Presentation Tin